Wednesday, 27 July 2011

A Community Waltz

I took dancing lessons for a number of years. When I close my eyes I  can still feel the "to and fro" of the music as I danced across the floor - forward and back --- forward and back, twirl, twirl.  Once you catch the rhythm it is easy and you learn quickly that when one step is completed you wait for just the right amount of time before taking the next one.

In many ways working in a community is very much like dancing with a partner. You choose the partner - hopefully one that won't step all over your feet and has some idea of how to dance.  Next, you both stand together waiting for the music to begin.  A little stiff and a bit awkward. (OK really stiff and awkward)  While the first steps might be a little shaky it does not take long to feel the music and how the person with whom you are paired  as you begin to move. After a few false starts your awkwardness begins to dissipate your anxiety lessens. You laugh a little and  actually begin to look at who you are dancing with. Your arms loosen and your jaw softens a little. With a little practice you begin to enjoy yourself - with the taste of success fueling your growing sense of achievement.

You realize that as you step forward the other person steps back and vice versa.  Your recognize that it is important to move both forward and back - then sideways together.  You take your queues from each other even though one of you is supposed to lead.

I believe that, like dancing, much of community work is an art. Of course there are classes that can definitely add depth and understanding to what you are doing; however, much of the success comes from basic hard work, relationship building, and knowing when to move forward and move back.  I think that understanding the motion of forward and back is perhaps one of the essential components of creating success in community.  Stop and think what happens when someone moves toward you. Most often you respond by moving back. Try it with a friend. Ask them to move toward you.  What do you do?   Now if we as animators constantly move toward a community what do you think will happen?  Is this the action we want to happen?  Will teaching a community to move back continually get you where you want to be?  Now take that same friend and ask them to move toward you. What do you do?

In dancing as in community we want to create a wonderful dance in order to be as successful as we can. To do that we need to remember what makes dancing real fun and really successful.  Choose a partner, look into their eyes, put a smile on your face and listen for the music. At the right time, begin swaying to the music and take that first step.   Wow  You are a successful dancer!  Hooray for you.


  1. Great blog, Letty! I love it... can't wait to see the next one. Welcome to the ACE Communities family of bloggers!

  2. Thanks Janet. Looking forward to the upcoming dance!

  3. Such an interesting question and thought - about moving towards people to see what happens. This can apply in so many situations, a smile, listen, lean in, and see what happens.....

  4. Letty, I love this analogy! A dance is such a strong part of a community. I remember wedding dances, teen dances, fun dances; and how they brought all ages in a community together. Thanks for this lovely description.
